BestX continually evaluates the regulatory landscape to verify how it’s functionality can assist clients to meet the legal requirements for Best Execution
Best Execution
Best execution in the UK is governed by the Conduct of Business Sourcebook as well FCA Principle 3 (risk management systems and controls) and Principle 6 (treating customers fairly).
The Markets in Financial Instruments Directive II (“MiFID II”) and the Markets in Financial Instruments Regulation (“MiFIR”) seek to provide an EU-wide regulatory framework for the operation of financial markets.
The PRIIPs Regulation will be directly applicable within the European Union (EU) from 1 January 2018 and will not require transposition by domestic United Kingdom (UK) legislation.
Asset Management
The FCA Asset Management Market Study Final Report (MS 15/23) proposes an overall package of remedies to make competition work better, and protect those least able to actively engage with their asset manager.
FX Global Code of Conduct
The release of the final Global Code of Conduct (“Code”) on 25 May 2017 is a watershed moment for the foreign exchange (FX) market.
Bank of England
Reports and articles issued by the Bank of England.
Financial Conduct Authority (FCA)
Reports and articles issued by the FCA.
Monetary Authority of Singapore
Reports and articles issued by the Monetary Authority of Singapore.
Securities and Futures Commission
Reports and articles issued by the Securities and Futures Commission.
Latest MiFID/MiFIR publications.