BestX® is Built by Market Participants - designed ‘by Markets people, for Markets people’ based on unique quantitative analytics & models
BestX® provides Independent Analytics – BestX analytics operate autonomously avoiding conflicts of interest & risk of abuse
BestX® is a Level playing field - consistent, holistic view across all execution venue, using standard methodology, source data and benchmarks
BestX® is a Technology Company - delivering state of the art software, providing real-time interactive analytics
Best Execution is a process
Best execution is not just about best price. Firms are required to take all reasonable steps to obtain the best possible result for their clients, taking into account the execution factors - price, costs, speed, likelihood of execution and settlement, size and nature of the order or any other consideration relevant to the execution of the order. Each firm’s best execution policy will differ, which is why BestX allows our clients to codify their process within the application.
Asset class functionality
Each asset class has its own unique analytics layer, computing metrics specific to that asset class. eg: VWAP in Equities, WMR in FX, Far Touch in FI. The consistent UI framework and functionality allows for common cost metrics to be brought together across all asset classes, for any multi asset reporting requirements.
BestX Factors
BestX allows clients to customise the relevant benchmarks for their execution process, tailored by asset class, product or portfolio. These can be combined with the automated outlier detection functionality, to complete the oversight feedback loop to make more informed decisions.
Our Products
Industry leading Real Time Analytics across Pre-Trade and Post-Trade using terabytes of data every day
Fixed Income
Unique analytics with extensive coverage across Cash & derivatives with tick bond data covering over 2.7 million instruments and direct data from exchanges in the futures space
Custom built analytics specifically geared towards the needs of Equities Markets with wide-ranging coverage
An industry first Crypto TCA offering alongside the first hourly spot fixing created by BestX